Unit 1: Section 1 — Cell Structure
- Eukaryotic Cells and Organelles
- Organelles Working Together
- Prokaryotic Cells
- Studying Cells — Microscopes
Unit 1: Section 2 — Cell Membranes
- Cell Membranes — The Basics
- Transport Across Cell Membranes
Unit 1: Section 3 — Cell Division, Diversity and Organisation
- Cell Division — Mitosis
- Cell Division and Reproduction
- Stem Cells and Differentiation
- Tissues, Organs and Systems
Unit 1: Section 4 — Exchange Surfaces and Breathing
- Gas Exchange
- The Gaseous Exchange System
- Breathing
Unit 1: Section 5 — Transport in Animals
- The Circulatory System
- The Heart
- Blood Vessels
- Haemoglobin
Unit 1: Section 6 — Transport in Plants
- Xylem and Phloem
- Water Transport
- Transpiration
- Translocation
Unit 2: Section 1 — Biological Molecules
- Water
- Proteins Carbohydrates
- Lipids 58 Biochemical Tests for Molecules
Unit 2: Section 2 — Nucleic Acids
- DNA and RNA
- DNA Replication and Protein Synthesis
Unit 2: Section 3 — Enzymes
- Action of Enzymes
- Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity
Unit 2: Section 4 — Diet and Food Production
- Balanced Diet
- Food Production
- Microorganisms and Food
Unit 2: Section 5 — Health and Disease
- Infectious Disease
- The Immune System
- Immunity and Vaccinations
- Smoking and Disease
Unit 2: Section 6 — Biodiversity
- Studying Biodiversity
- Global Biodiversity
- Importance of Biodiversity
- Conservation and Biodiversity
Unit 2: Section 7 — Classification
- Classification Basics
- Evolution of Classification Systems
- Dichotomous Keys
Unit 2: Section 8 — Evolution
- Variation
- Adaptations
- The Theory of Evolution
Interpreting Data and Experiment Design
- How to Interpret Data
- How to Evaluate and Describe Experiments